First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Which LRA Academy Course did you take? When?
Current Company
Current Title
LinkedIn Profile Link
What topics would you like to have invited experts and the LRA Network discuss on our monthly zoom calls?
What would you like to get out of your membership in the LRA Network?
Any ideas for additional Network activities?
Terms and Agreement
I have completed a Lucy Rose Academy course.
Programmatic Terms for live or recorded programming:
This program and all materials, including live programing, supporting the program are intended for educational purposes only. They are not intended to provide legal, regulatory or risk advice or guidance regarding any specific situation or scenario and are not a substitute for the advice of your advisors on specific issues. This material is based on the laws and regulations and DDMAC/OPDP/APLB enforcement letters and other materials and interpretations in place at the time of the presentation and reflects the individual opinions of Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC. Because regulations change and risk evaluation is a subjective matter, the information and opinions provided and expressed as part of the program should not be relied upon for decision-making purposes. Further, Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC does not warrant or guarantee that you or your employer or any of its employees or contractors, by relying on the educational materials provided by the program, would not be subject to regulatory or legal enforcement actions. This material is copyrighted ; it or any part of it may not be photocopied, reproduced, disseminated ,or otherwise used by anyone other than Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC without the express written prior authorization of Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC.
Each individual registration is for one attendee, who is a bona fide member of Lucy Rose Academy Network. The program may not be shared with anyone other than a member as above, either during its live presentation or in any recorded format.
The program or any part of it may not be recorded or reproduced in any format including but not limited to: video, photographs, screen shots, audio recordings or by any other mechanism in existence now or in the future capable of reproducing or transmitting the program in whole or in part.
LinkedIn Community specific:
LRA Alumnae Network is pleased to host a LinkedIn Community page for our network. This network will provide opportunities for professional networking within the community, the interchange of appropriate information among members, a platform for news and event hosting, and other important benefits as identified. To maintain the integrity and safe space of our page, you must understand, agree to, and abide by, the following terms for initial and continuing membership. Members who fail to abide by these terms, guidelines, policies, at any time, may be blocked from the LRA Alumnae Network Community Page.
The LinkedIn Community Policies below apply to all community pages on LinkedIn, and as such, apply to our community as well.
LinkedIn Community Policies:
Be safe. Be civil and respectful in every single interaction
Be trustworthy. Use your true identity and share information that is truthful and authentic.
Be professional. Keep content professionally relevant and on topic.
Community Guidelines for our LRA Alumnae Network Page:
The following are our community guidelines which we ask you follow to ensure we provide the best experience for our members. First, please understand that we work in a heavily regulated industry and cannot engage in sensitive topics, such as any discussions about products - yours or other companies’- or treatment options on this page. These discussions are best held privately with your healthcare professional. Additionally, this is not a space for regulatory, legal, or medical discussion or “consulting.” It is a place for member connection.Due to our industry regulations, we need to ensure discussions occurring on our LinkedIn page stay on topic and are constructive. Comments that include any of the following items are not constructive to the dialogue and may be deleted from our community page:
1. Mention any company products (including regulatory, legal, or medical issues or concerns) or services
2. Are disparaging, condone violence, or disrespectful in anyway
3. Contain information that is false, misleading, or inaccurate
4. Directly reference financial matters
5. Contain profanity, or other inappropriate, offensive, libelous, abusive or discriminatory language or materials or links
6. Violate copyright or intellectual property
7. Offer or request health or medical advice
8. Are commercial in nature, aim to sell products or services, or recruit fans and followers to other social communities
9. May be considered “spam,” are excessively repetitive and/or disruptive or solicit donations, donor material or other resources
10. Pertain to ongoing legal matters, regulatory issues, or certain other business elements
11. Contain any personal information e.g. names of individuals, email address or phone number;
12. Violate another’s copyright or intellectual property;
13. Contain proprietary, confidential, sensitive, or nonpublic information;
14. Don’t follow LinkedIn’s User Agreement.
Additionally, Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC reserves the right to:
Add, remove, or modify any content or material posted on the LRA alumnae network LinkedIn page;
Discontinue the page at any time;
Accept or reject who wish to follow the account (remembering, also that this is a private, members-only group), including blocking disruptive users; and
Respond (or not) to any questions or suggestions addressed to the page.
LRA Alumnae Network page is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as offering any regulatory, legal, or medical advice on any subject.
Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC has no duty to update this page.
Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC does not endorse the comments or products of the LRA Alumnae Network membership.
Posts from members do not reflect the views of Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC or Lucy Rose Academy.
Lucy Rose Academy (and Lucy Rose and Associates ,LLC) may provide links or references to other sites or articles as part of its LinkedIn posts, but this does not constitute an endorsement of those materials or any of the information that could be accessed through a third-party website.
I have read, agree with and will abide by, all terms and agreements for the LRA Alumnae Network, both programming and the LinkedIn community terms.
Copyright 2022 by Lucy Rose and Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.
I have read and agree to the terms above.
Welcome to the Lucy Rose Academy Alumni Network! It is my great pleasure to have you join this special community as we connect professionally and learn together.
As a new member of this new network, please watch for the following:
1. An invitation to join our new LinedIn LRA Alumni Network page. Please remember that this is primarily designed to serve as a member-only professional directory – a place for finding and connecting with like professionals who share a special educational experience and a passion for learning in our own industry ecosystem - that will enable deeper discussion outside this page. Locate a friend or previous classmate and reach out, reconnect! Find someone in a company or with an expertise that you are looking for, and set up a meeting to discuss your challenge! AND, please remember this is not a forum for product, medical, or company discussion, as that could quickly become a regulatory, legal or other challenge. I know you understand! If you see anything posted in our community that might be of concern in this vein (though I know any slip would be unintentional), please do let me know and I will reach out and work to resolve.
2. An invitation to join our monthly lunch and learn zooms, Lunch with Lucy, hosted by me and with special guests – designed to bring information on FDA and other agency compliance actions and interest, our life science ecosystem current challenges and possibilities, and professional development ideas for growth. Those dates will be posted on our LRA Academy Alumni Network LinkedIn page and on the Lucy Rose and Associates website.
Again, I am so thrilled to reconnect with you. For some of you, it has been many years. For others, just a few months. But, for all of you, WELCOME HOME. I am so honored you have chosen to join us! Please reach out to me with thoughts or suggestions as to how we can maximize our new LRA Alumni Network!
Warmest regards,